Circling Whitehall


Will you listen to what they are telling you?
can you listen to what they say?
‘the future’s not in tomorrow,the
future was yesterday’
and may god have mercy on me.
Today is blank
and who do I thank for that?

Time doth surely flee from thee,

(sod off Shakespeare this is about me)

If they are telling me this,then I know it is that
and they can wax lyrical on the world being spherical,
I point to a clerical error, a mistake in perspective
which makes what they say
(in one word)

And who might they be?

They be the grey men
the men who say when men,
the dead and the deadpan with looks that say,
‘no man’ and signs that read,
entry forbidden,
hidden from sight.
The only chance of reprieve from they who deceive is to leave and having left,there’s a fork in the road,a cleft,a right way,a left,
will you listen
to what
are telling you?